No surprise, I'm Belle
What Disney Princess are you? |
![]() ![]() Belle You're Belle! Love isn't the main thing on your agenda in life. You just figure that if the timing is right, you'll find the one meant for you. You're not superficial, and look past outer beauty. For you, what's inside DOES matter. You're a pretty down to earth person, and you probably have a few very close friends that will always have your back. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
"Sagan ger oss svar, varje väsen har skönhet inuti!"
Favorit Disneyfilmen & favorit Disneyprinsessan var tydligen den
jag var mest lik enligt testet =) Men visst vill både hon och jag lite
mer än att bara leva småstadsliv och visst är det vanligt att se mig
med näsan i en tjock bok!? Synd bara att inte jag också har en
talande garderob... får önska mig en till jul!